Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tamale Night and a flood. In order of importance.

Rachel went down to the freezer last night and discovered a stream of hot water shooting through the wall from the furnace room into the storage room.  Hallelujah!  Yes, hallelujah because she found it early.  That was the blessing.  It could have been so much worse.  So even though there is storage stuff everywhere today, with drying  storage boxes.  We were able to get to the treasures before any permanent damage was done.  A Small, welcome miracle. 

Instead of showing you photos of the flooded basement, I'm posting Tamale party photos taken at the Crowley's house.  We do this every year at Christmas, usually the same 5 families.

This year there were 8 other families included so it was great fun.  After the crowd went home, we sang carols around the piano.  Such a great way to celebrate with traditions and good friends that we love.

Merry Christmas from the Tamale Party Children (who I am noticing are not so much children anymore).
  The moms used to have to assemble, now the kids can too.  Where has the time gone?


  1. Good thing you caught the stream of water early! Yes, tamale parties are always fun, especially when you have a lot of helping hands! I love the fact that these freeze and reheat well. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  2. Oh, YUMMY! Tamales are very festive, super special! What a wonderful tradition!

  3. Sorry about your flood! But glad it was caught early. Your tamale party looks like fun! Merry Christmas!

  4. So glad the flood was found early. I'm making tamales next month. I'd love some pointers. Such a fun party idea.

  5. Oh, I posted tamales last year! How fun that you get together and make them. What a good looking group!

    I am so glad that you found the leak early. Have a very wonderful Christmas.

  6. Wow - how lucky you weren't away at the tamale party when the water burst! Looks like a fun party -- there's nothing better than Christmas traditions!!!

  7. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank goodness the leak was found early before it did terrible damage. You tamale party sounds like so much fun. When we lived in Texas, we could always count on getting some homemade tamales from our friends. Here in New England, you can't get tamales...even at a restaurant.
