Monday, April 8, 2013

Lambie Pie

I've been a bit hung up on knitting little animals lately; inspired by patterns and photos on Ravelry.  I used the Fuzzy Mitten lamb pattern for her head and arms and combined it with legs and a body I made up after seeing Williams little animals.  I'm almost finished with a spring dress for her to wear.  Don't lambs just remind you of spring? there anything worse than your "Mom" posting embarrassing photos of you in your underwear?  I'd better get that dress finished.


  1. Hahaha -- she'll look back fondly on those underwear pictures. She's Adorable!!!

  2. OMG they are so cute! And yes only us Mom's would find underwear pics cute.

  3. They are so dang cute! Wish I loved to knit...somehow I missed out on that Talent.

  4. Oh thank you! Bonnie, your bunny and now your lamb are so precious! I love them! Such perfect knitting!

  5. Oh my goodness, Lambie Pie is adorable!!!
